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E06 The Physical Part

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Video: Instructions for E06


Given the topology at this point (after E05). Imagine that all the virtual machines are actual devices.


You do not need to purchase any of the devices! Just make a plan and document the physical environment.


Suggest devices to be used

Find suitable physical devices to be used instead of the virtual machines.

  • Router(s)
  • Switch(es)
  • End host(s) / Personal Computers

Document chosen devices and prices. Make a budget table of the costs.

You can use the links in the material chapter to find resellers for e.g. cabling

Device Cabinets / Racks

The devices need to be installed in Racks so find a suitable Cabinets/Racks with shelves for hardware. PC's can be installed next to the rack (e.g. tables), but take this into consideration in cabling lengths and so on.

Data Network cabling

The devices need to be connected to one another according to the topology.

Document chosen cables, adapters/network interface cards and prices. Make a budget table of the costs into the documentation.

Physical documentation

Draw a physical topology of the devices and add it to the documentation.

  • How are the devices installed in the rack's
  • what cable connects to what port

Find suitable examples of device rack documentation as the basis of your own plan

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This course and its materials are written by Karo Saharinen and licenced by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.

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